Thursday, October 14, 2010

Equivalent Miles [EQM]

What do you get when you mix a math nerd with a a slow runner in training? 

Ever since Mark Twain blurted out the infamous phrase, "There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics," people have questioned the world according to mathematical statistics... so  I beleive some individuals will doubt this self serving training statistic I have called equivalent miles [EQM]

First of all, why does somebody want to create a statistic called EQM?  In short, nothing is  created equal. Therefore,  I am trying to figure out a way to level  out  a way to evaluate  my training  whenever  I sweat my way through training. Hence, EQM is a way to turn every matrix into miles even when your muscles do not creep an inch forward.

Cut to the chase... lets figure out  EQM in my own little world of running by dissecting my training journal.

1. Simply add the amount of miles running and you divide the walking by one half. You can figure a way to add in other forms of sport [ie; bicycling, swimming, etc.] but there must be some sort of handicap which I am not covering today.

2. With your handy pedomiter,  figure out the amount of steps taken and divide it by 1760 and again divide this outcome by 4 because household/work walking-strolling is not extremly substancial, but enough to take this semi-leasure activity into minor account.

3. When movement is lacking because the runner is performing his training   either via strengthing his/her muscles,  performing yoga for better balance and additional stretching, or other activities to improve running while the individual is not in motion.  I simply equate one mile for every fiveteen minutes of this  sometimes sweat-drenching physical extra carricular activity.

So lets simply open up my training journal and show you my final outcome.    

1. Running :  1.92 miles
2. Yoga and strength training : one hour and 18 minutes = 5.2 miles
3. Additional steps : 12,000 = divide this figure by 1,760 and divide again by 4 =  1.70 miles
4. Final : 1.92 + 5.2 + 1.70 =  8.82 EQM

1. Walking  : 2.10 = 1.05 miles
2. Yoga and strength training : fourty eight minutes = 5.2 miles
3. Additional Steps : 8000 = 1.14 miles
4. Final : 1.05 + 5.2 + 1.14 = 7.39 EQM


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